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A resolution to stick with

Written by Meg Maher | Dec 20, 2016 9:00:00 PM

It's here...the end of another year.  Without trying to sound like your old next door neighbor, it does indeed seem like the years fly by quicker and quicker!  Before you know it, gyms and weight watcher meetings will be overflowing and social media will be all abuzz with who flopped on their resolution first.

How about this year trying a resolution you can stick with?  After all, we are nothing if we are not continually learning and growing.  A resolution is simply a goal to help us continue to flourish, isn't it?

Keep it simple...make is as specific or vague as you like.  The key, I believe, is writing it down.  When it is an idea, a resolution seems untangible.  When something is in pen and ink, it seems....well, permanent.  Some simple ideas from put things in perspective...the last line of this list is:  "just try your best" and that sums life up for me.  If we all 'tried our best' what could we accomplish?

Setting any kind of a resolution even one as simple as "just try my best" is a positive step.  As with all good things in life, this deserves a celebration!  Why not host a New Year's Day Brunch complete with a board or poster for people to post their resolutions on?  This great idea from makes for a conversation starter as well as party decor!

Not into resolutions, you say?  Why not resolve, then, to remember all the cool stuff that will happen this coming year?  A fantastic idea out there is to create a memory jar...every time something hilarious or significant or just plain noteable happens, write it on a small piece of paper and tuck it in this jar.  On New Years Eve you will have a full account of the great things that happened to you this year!

No matter whether you are a strict goal-oriented person or someone who just tries their best, the new year represents a fresh start for all of us.  Embrace the new, let go of the monkey on your back and have an amazing 2017!