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"Love the people, not the party"  ~A look at event etiquette

Posted by Meg Maher on Jul 12, 2016 4:56:04 PM
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In The Boston Globe Magazine, this past February, 'Miss Conduct':  Robin Abrahams, answers a reader's question of whether or not it is polite to leave a wedding because the music is too loud.  Her response, in my opinion, is wonderful...

Abrahams responded with this:

"--remind yourself that social obligations are, indeed, obligations. They don't have to be fun or please our taste. Our loved ones' ceremonies and celebrations aren't simply another entertainment option, as though life were Netflix and once your preference for Dignified Celebrations With a Demure Female Lead is registered, that's what you 're offered. You go because you love the people, not because you love the party."

You can read her full column here:  Plus, Can you leave a wedding because the music is too loud?

What caught my attention was that last line:  "You go because you love the people, not because you love the party." This applies to so many situations, not just loud weddings.  

With our society posting every aspect of our lives from dating status to what we had for dinner online, it now seems socially acceptable for folks to be overly vocal about their opinions...even when it would be better to keep that opinion to themselves.

Is every party you are invited to going to be your particular cup of tea?  The answer is NO.  

Do you have to attend every party you are invited to?  Same answer,  NO.  

If you don't think you will be able to put your opinions aside and enjoy an event because the person hosting it is someone you love, then the best decision is for you to politely decline that invite. No matter what, however, please make sure to RSVP...there is nothing more infuriating to a host than to have to track down people who think that not responding to an invite is an obvious "no". You were invited for a reason. Treat that invitation with respect and remember to love the people. Hopefully, that leads to you loving the PARTY as well!


By the way - you're always invited to RSVP for a tour of our party space here at PCC!

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Topics: Party, RSVP, Event, Etiquette

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